Overman Exam Online Practice Test Series

Prepare for the Overman Exam with this comprehensive test series



Instructor: MiningExamLanguage: English

About the course

This online test series is specifically designed for individuals preparing for the Overman Exam. It provides comprehensive coverage of all the topics required for the exam.

Created by subject experts, our test series helps you access your knowledge and keep up with the competition.

Test Features

  1. Similar exam pattern and interface as DGMS exam.
  2. Quality questions as per updated syllabus prepared and checked by the First Class Certificate holders, ISM Dhanbad Alumnus & Eminent Professors.
  3. Discussion Forum ; where you can ask doubts related to questions.
  4. Overall Analysis report : This report will have
  • Your Score in that test, along with the number of questions attempted, correct and time taken.
  • Marks Distribution (positive , negative and unattempted questions)
  • Time Analysis in graphical form

This detailed report certainly helps students to identify their weak topics, correct their mistakes and improve on them in order to achieve higher marks.


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What do we offer

Learn with the best

Our test series feature expertly crafted questions by experienced educators and examiners.

Real Exam Simulation

Experience the real exam environment with our simulated test series.

Flexible Learning Schedule

Access tests anytime, anywhere, and plan your study schedule according to your preferences.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Receive regular updates, tips, and resources to stay ahead in your exam preparation journey.

Comprehensive Coverage

Our test series portal offers a wide range of tests including Part Tests, Full Syllabus Tests & Live Tests.

Discussion Forum

Interact with experts and peers, share insights, seek advice, and grow your knowledge.

Reviews and Testimonials